Barber Pools in the Barber Valley

What's New? (last updated February 8)
Projects & City Hearings   (last updated June 10)
New Neighbor? - Read Me for a great neighborhood overview!
Join Our Mailing List to stay up to date on the latest news, meetings, etc.

About BVNA

Our community's residents experience an active, urban lifestyle, unique outdoor recreation opportunities, and proximity to and appreciation for wildlife and Boise's finest natural resources and structured , active, and effective conservation programs. We hope you enjoy living here! 

BVNA is a well-organized and very active neighborhood association chartered by the City of Boise. The BVNA is recognized by Ada County and other local government agencies as the entity to represent Barber Valley's neighborhood interests to local government entities as well as land and commercial development companies seeking to locate into this special valley. The BVNA is not a homeowners association (HOA). It does not administer CCRs, maintain internal neighborhood common areas, and does not collect fees for landscaping and other amenities. The BVNA does, however, work collaboratively with the dozens of established HOAs located in the Barber Valley.

Our Goal

BVNA's goal is to help neighbors stay connected and learn about the latest activity that affect you as a member of our great community. We advocate for smart and efficient development of our growing neighborhood and seek to preserve a unique lifestyle in a relaxed urban setting sandwiched between two huge wildlife conservations areas. We hold regular monthly meetings at rotating locations, and communicate meeting minutes to everyone. To sign up for our email list, send us your contact information from the drop down subject line here. We seek a balanced representation from all Barber Valley neighborhoods, old and new, on our Board of Directors. We charter committees to tackle emerging neighborhood issues and currently have active committees dealing with transportation issues, wildfire mitigation and emergency evacuation planning, and open space and park development. Your energy and talents are certainly welcome wherever you’d like to lend a hand! The BVNA boundaries are shown in yellow on this map. Our association is nestled between the foothills and the river, bordered by Warm Springs Mesa and Highway 21. We are a ‘bridge to bridge’ neighborhood with entrances at the Parkcenter Blvd bridge, Eckert Rd (Barber bridge), and E. Warm Springs Avenue at the south end of the valley at the Highway 21 bridge. The demographics of our neighborhood, as well as the other Boise Neighborhoods, are outlined in this document.

Living with Wildlife

Barber Valley Neighborhood Association

The foothills meet the river in the Barber Valley, and this is a special place for conservation. We are fortunate to live between two significant wildlife reserves. The foothills above us are part of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) Boise Front Wildlife Management Area. During winter, deer and elk migrate all the way from the Sawtooth Mountains to enjoy our temperate climate by the river. The SP-01 and SP-02 plans clustered development in certain areas, and left other areas as open space to allow room for wildlife. Corridors are provided through our subdivisions for wildlife passage from the foothills to the river. When you are on designated trails in the foothills, please follow IDFG  management guidelines, keep your dog on a leash, and respect closures. To learn more, check out this map, and learn about the wildlife and human uses here. We’re also home to the Barber Pools Conservation Area, a wildlife reserve managed by the Idaho Foundation for Parks and Lands. Neighbors are asked to leave this space undisturbed out of respect for the wildlife.

Read about Barber Valley's Beloved Ernie

Members, Documents, Meeting Dates & Minutes, Archives

Director Position Term
Gary Veasy President 2/2025 - 1/2027
Randy Schubert Vice President 2/2025 - 1/2027
Marshall Curtis Secretary 2/2025 - 1/2027
Katie Swain Treasurer 2/2025 - 1/2027
Steinar Hjelle Director 2/2025 - 1/2027
Zach Piepmeyer Director 2/2024 - 1/2026
Mike Strasser Director 2/2024 - 1/2026
Roy Tweedle Director 2/2024 - 1/2026
Brian Williams Director 2/2024 - 1/2026

Months without a link indicate no meeting was held.

January 9
February 13
March 13
April 17
May 8
June 12
August 14
September 11
October 9
ovember 13
December 11

  • December 30: BVNA Communication: Annual Meeting and Board positions open
  • December 8: December Updates (including some important reminders)
  • November 21: BVNA email: Doing good in the neighborhood + miscellaneous topics
  • November 12: BVNA email regarding our November meeting deck/minutes and a few other items
  • Nov 10: DHE First Day of School Reminder Email
  • Nov 6: ALERT: Polling Location Change
  • Nov 5: Reminder - Concerns for BPD? Come to our November Meeting
  • October 17: BVNA Email: Alta Harris Park - Neighborhood letter writing campaign
  • October 16: BVNA Communication: October Presentation/Meeting Deck
  • October 9: BVNA Communication: October BVNA meeting reminder and a late-breaking ACHD topic
  • October 4: Email regarding Harris Ranch Wildlife Mitigation Association (HRWMA) Events and BVNA October Meeting
  • September 17 : September 2023 Meeting Minutes
  • September 9 : Request & Reminder - VRT Route 1 Funding and September 14 meeting
  • August 20: Email: August Meeting Minutes/Presentation Deck and meeting video link 
  • August 14: Communication - August Meeting and Survey Closure
  • August 11: Reminder to take the CID Survey
  • August 6: BVNA communication regarding our CID survey and August meeting date
  • July 18: Email - July’s Meeting Minutes, Presentation Deck and meeting video link
  • July 10: BVNA reminder about this week’s monthly meeting
  • June 4: Email: Our June meeting is cancelled and info about upcoming council hearings
  • May 13: May Meeting Minutes, now including video (and Happy Mother’s Day!)
  • May 7: Reminder about our May 11 meeting, including a Safe Routes to School presentation by BSD and VRT. 
  • April 17: Minutes email for April’s monthly meeting
  • April 9: BVNA email reminder about April’s meeting and guest participants
  • March 11: BVNA communication - March meeting’s presentation deck and minutes
  • March 6: BVNA email reminder - March’s meeting is this Thursday!
  • February 14: Email Communication - February’s Meeting Presentation and Minutes (and Happy Valentines Day!)
  • February 6: What are you doing Thursday evening? (February meeting reminder)
  • January 15: Annual Meeting Presentation and Minutes
  • January 7:  Annual Meeting Reminder

  • December 23: Design Review - DRH21-0051 for the Dallas Harris Elementary School (see “documents” link for all the drawings but the renderings can be viewed here). As an administrative approval you can contact planning with any comments here and they are due NLT 12/29/2021. If staff approval is granted, it is considered final unless appealed to the Design Review Committee. BVNA’s 12/29/2021 written testimony is here.
  • December 8: Design Review Committee Hearing - DRH21-00443 for the construction of a one-story oral surgery/office building and related site work at Barber Station
  • December 8: Design Review Committee Hearing - DRH21-00444 for the construction of a one-story law office building and related site work at Barber Station
  • November 10: Design Review Committee Hearing - DRH21-00410 for the construction of two 11,500 sf two-story buildings and related site work at Barber Station
  • August 11: Design Review Committee Hearing - DRH21-00234 Athletic training facility (Joe and Kathryn Albertson Foundation / Mission43 and Challenged Athletes Foundation) at Barber Station
  • July 19: P&Z Hearing - CUP21-00030 - Mission43 and Challenged Athletes Foundation Athletic Facility at Barber Station.
  • July 14: Design Review Committee Hearing - DRH21-00236 Horizon Credit Union at Barber Station
  • July 14: Design Review Committee Hearing - DRH21-00207 Ada West Dermatology at Barber Station
  • June 29: City Council Hearing - SUB21-00009 - Harris East Subdivision / Preliminary Plat - Please see the hearing notice or review project details here.
  • May 11: City Council Hearing - SUB21-00011 Hermosa Hills (Previously Pheasant Heights) Subdivision - Preliminary Plat
  • May 3: P&Z Hearing - Preliminary Plat SUB21-00009 and associated Foothills/Hillside Cat. III Permit CFH21-00039 for 59 single family residential lots by Boise Hunter Homes
  • May 3: P&Z Hearing - CFH21-00052 River System - Boise River Side Channel Restoration at Intermountain Bird Observatory
  • April 12: P&Z Hearing - SUB21-00011 Hermosa Hills (Previously Pheasant Heights) - Reinstate Preliminary Plat
  • March 31: Hillside Work Session - CFH21-00039 Harris East Subdivision Hillside/Grading Review. Information can be found here on the city’s website.

  • December 1 City Council Hearing - Project SUB20-00056 (Barber Hills Vista Subdivision) Final Plat
  • December 1 City Council Hearing - Project SUB20-00044 (Dallas Harris South Subdivision No. 2) Preliminary & Final Plat
  • November 10 City Council Hearing - Project SOS20-00028 (Vacation of Plat Note - 6562 & 6722 E Warm Springs Ave)
  • October 28 ACHD Commission Meeting - ACHD Staff Report (Master Street Map Update) This affects BVNA’s and the City's lane request on the Warm Springs Avenue bypass. Staff is not recommending approval of the request. Join Zoom Meeting to listen or testify (Meeting ID: 244 027 2215 / Dial in: 888 475 4499 US Toll-free or 877 853 5257 US Toll-free). If you want to submit written comments, please do so at least 24 hours in advance to assure that Commissioners have time to read and consider your views. Information and inquiries may be submitted through Tell US
  • October 20 City Council Hearing - Project SUB20-00040 (Taper Condominiums Final Plat)
  • October 6 City Council Hearing - Project SUB20-00043 (Dallas Harris South Subdivision No. 1 Multi-family subdivision)
    This will be a hybrid hearing. To learn more more on how to watch or provide testimony remotely or in person, please see this page on the city’s website. 
  • October 5 P&Z Hearing - Project SUB20-00044 (Dallas Harris South Subdivision No. 2) 
    This will be a hybrid hearing. To learn more more on how to watch or provide testimony remotely or in person, please see this page on the city’s website. 
  • August 18 City Council - Project SUB20-00020 - Wise Way (2940 S Perrault Way) Subdivision
    This will be a hybrid hearing. To learn more more on how to watch or provide testimony remotely or in person, please see this page on the city’s website. 
  • July 28 City Council Hearing - Project SUB20-00008 - Haystack Subdivision No. 1 Preliminary and Final Plat
    This will be a virtual hearing. To learn more more on how to watch or provide testimony remotely or in person, please see this page on the city’s website. 
  • July 13 P&Z Hearing - Project SUB20-00020 - Wise Way (2940 S Perrault Way) Subdivision
    This will be a virtual hearing. To learn more more on how to watch or provide testimony remotely or in person, please see this page on the city’s website. 
  • June 30 City Council Hearing - Project ROS17-00007 - 2990 S Wise Way - Time Extension
    This will be a virtual hearing. To learn more more on how to watch or provide testimony remotely or in person, please see this page on the city’s website.
  • 2 June City Council Hearing - Project SUB19-00056 - Dallas Harris Estates Subdivision No. 18 Preliminary Plat
    This will be a virtual hearing. To learn more more on how to watch or provide testimony, please see this page on the city’s website.
  • 6 May P&Z Hearing - Project CFH20-00014 - Alta Harris Community Park
    This will be a virtual hearing. To learn more more on how to watch or provide testimony, please see this page on the city’s website. 
  • 20 March P&Z Hearing - ZOA19-00006 Floodplain Regulations Zoning Ordinance Amendment   
    Comments are due by 2/14 to be included in the packets and public testimony can be made at the hearing. A project report will be available on our website two (2) working days prior to the hearing.
  • Administrative Approval - Design Review DRH20-00063 30-unit Multi-Family Building in Harris Ranch - THE TAPER Comments due no later than 2/18/2020
  • Administrative Approval - Design Review DRH20-00064 DHE Townhomes #9 Block 23 Lots 5-8 Comments due no later than 2/18/2020
  • 18 November Hearing - P&Z Project SUB19-00056 Dallas Harris Estates Subdivision No.18 - 6 buildings and 192 units total. Project submittals can be found under the “Documents" tab. Staff Report will be posted 5 days before the public hearing at the link shown here. 
  • 20 September Variance Comments Deadline - CVA19-00046 Administrative Variance - Variance request by Boise Hunter Homes at the Wolf Tree Subdivision abutting the Harris property regarding fence height. See application and supporting documents at the link above/here. Deadline to submit comments for this administrative review is 9/20/19.
  • 8 July Hearing - P&Z Project: ZOA19-00001 - City of Boise Description: Amendment to the Development Code regarding Specific Procedures (Section 11-03-03 and 11-03-04) including changes to the timing of neighborhood meetings, increasing the radius for mailed notifications of public hearings, and requiring applicants to install on-site public notice signs.
  • 1 July  Hearing - P&Z Project: CUP19-00033 - 3103 E. Barber Valley Dr. Habitat Vet Hospital – Request to exceed required parking.
  • 12 June - 3:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M - ADA County Lake Hazel Branch of the Ada Community Library, 10489 W. Lake Hazel Road Description: Ada County Zoning Ordinance Open Houses NOTE: This only affects a small percentage of BVNA properties (Wade and orphan parcels).
  • 10 April  - P&Z Project: DRH19-00084 - Design Review hearing for a medical office building at Barber Station.
  • 10 April - P&Z Project: DRH19-00084 - Design Review Hearing for Namaste Yoga Studio at Barber Station. 

© Copyright 2025 Barber Valley Neighborhood Association - All Rights Reserved
The Barber Valley Neighborhood Association is a registered 503(c)(3) charitable organization - EIN: 03-0607690